Legal and corporate formsEach legal form is subject to its own legislation and has different advantages and risks. Our corporate lawyers have many years of experience in advising you on the (formation or dissolution of) various types of companies. We keep an eye on all the interests of various stakeholders involved, both in the formation as well as in the restructuring of your company. We support you in choosing the respective legal form and in setting up the business structure of your company. We are happy to also support you in drafting and drawing up the necessary agreements between the various stakeholders (partners, shareholders, managing directors or members of the supervisory board). Disputes between shareholders or other stakeholdersIt happens that the interests and objectives of the various stakeholders such as the management board, shareholders and supervisory board no longer match. Sometimes there is no common way out and legal assistance is required. Disagreements concerning the distribution of profits, future course of business, as well as working with third parties can lead to disputes between shareholders. Disputes between shareholders or between shareholders and the board of directors often can have major impact on the company itself. Sometimes the company's very survival is even at risk. It can therefore be very important that the dispute is resolved as quickly and smooth as possible. If it is not possible to find a solution in good consultation, legal proceedings cannot be ruled out. In addition to legal proceedings, the shareholders also have so-called arbitration proceedings at their disposal to resolve conflicts out of court. The manager's liabilityManaging directors and supervisory board members are increasingly confronted with claims from insolvency administrators, creditors or other company stakeholders. This can be the result from the bankruptcy of a company or even before that. Often large sums of money are at stake, which not only cause financial damage, but also lead to damage or loss of a managers reputation. Our experts support managing directors and board members when they are held liable, but also advise them on how to avoid any liabilities. Our experienced insolvency administrators can provide important advice on this matter as well. Mergers and takeoversOur experts have extensive knowledge and experience of (overseeing and facilitating) mergers and acquisitions. We act both on behalf of either the buyer or the seller. We put great emphasis on efficiency, accessibility and speed of action. GovernanceCorporate governance is playing an increasingly prominent role in every business. It focuses on the necessary checks and balances in companies. For example listed companies in the Netherlands have to comply with the corporate governance code. In addition, there are various sector-specific governance codes in the Netherlands. The design and distribution of control, responsibilities and control options is therefore of great importance to all companies. Our experts can advise you on those obligations that apply to your business. |