
Yspeert Advocaten has various partnerships.


  • Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Yspeert Advocaten works with the University of Groningen. Many of our lawyers have studied here. We like to share our knowledge with young talents by giving guest lectures and writing blogs.

Website: RUG

  • Hanzehogeschool Groningen

The Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen asks Yspeert regularly for guest lectures.

Website: Hanzehogeschool

  • OSR Juridische opleidingen

Yspeert has been working with OSR for several years. For example, we regularly offer courses in financial law.

Website: OSR juridische opleidingen

Strategic Alliances

  • Netwerkdag van het Norden

Yspeert Advocaten is partner of the Netwerkdag van het Noorden. An annual construction and infrastructure day for building contractors, project developers and architects. We organize this event together with several other companies.

Website: Netwerkdag van het Noorden

  • Emmense Nieuwjaarsbijeenkomst

In Drenthe we are co-initiators of the Emmen New Year's meeting for entrepreneurs

This event was organized for the first time on January 8, 2020 in the ATLAS-Theater in Emmen.

Website: Emmense Nieuwjaarsbijeenkomst

  • Ondernemersprijs Smallingerland 2020

The Ondernemersprijs Smallingerland 2020 is an initiative of the Smallingerland Entrepreneurs Association together with the municipality of Smallingerland and takes place every two years. We are affiliated as a business partner for the 2021 edition.

Joint initiatives

  • Ondernemersspreekuur

In Emmen we are co-organizers of the Ondernemersspreekuur. This constitutes an consultation hour for (local) businesses organized monthly at Growing Emmen

The management consulting team is a collaboration between Growing Emmen, Rabobank Emmen-Coevorden, Yspeert Advocaten, Kennispoort Drenthe and the municipality of Emmen. These parties have noticed that there is a lack of (free) information that is offered specifically for entrepreneurs that have specific questions. These parties have therefore decided to make their knowledge available to entrepreneurs free of charge in this way.

Website: Ondernemersspreekuur


  • YES!

Yspeert is a proud partner of Yes! Yes! unites founders of digital companies with at least 1 year of entrepreneurial experience in the province of Groningen, Friesland or Drenthe with the clear goal of building a business while making the world a better place. We advise and support these young start-ups and, if possible, offer internal in-house meetings.

Website: YES

Are you also interested in a partnership with Yspeert Advocaten? Or would you like to work with us? Let us know.