Yspeert is aware of its social responsibility. Therefore, we want to make a substantial contribution to the development of a more sustainable society. Corporate Social Re-sponsibility (CSR) is an integral part of our company and culture. CSR focuses on the balance between three basic principles: People, Planet and Profit.
Our employees play an important role in society through their involvement in various social and cultural activities. Yspeert encourages and facilitates the involvement of its employees in managerial or supervisory positions. Our employees are among others involved in:
Revalidatie Friesland, Stichting de Lawei, Stichting Maatschappelijke Onderneming Smallingerland, Investeringsfonds Groningen, Werkvoorzieningsschap Caparis, Stichting Ronald McDonald, Oranjevereniging, Stichting Odensehuis, PeerGroup, Fonds Ondernemend Groningen, Stichting Help Direct, Stichting Sociaal Goud.
We are concerned about pollution and the depletion of natural resources. As part of this company-wide commitment, we have begun taking steps to reduce our carbon footprint. Therefore, Yspeert recently moved to the glassless building at its headquarters in Groningen. We also aim to make our sites energy-neutral by investing in energy-saving technology and have switched to LED lighting. In addition, Yspeert is working on a project to install solar panels on the roof of our building. Yspeert has also adjusted its archive and paper consumption and uses environmentally friendly cleaning products.
Yspeert also feels the need to give back to the communities in which it operates. Therefore, Yspeert sponsors several charitable organizations and social enterprises such as:
We also share our knowledge by regularly giving unpaid guest lectures at various institutions such as the Hanzehogeschool in Groningen, NHL Stenden in Emmen and Leeuwarden, as well as various secondary schools in the provinces of Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe and the University of Groningen.
In addition, our employees regularly give lectures to starting entrepreneurs and students at meetings organized especially for these groups.
Finally, our organization supports the Lutje Geluk Foundation with a Sinterklaas campaign.