Yspeert's modern vision of the legal profession, where cooperation is paramount, suits me. I enjoy working on complex issues and solving them together with the client. Determining a common goal and making clear agreements is important. As a lawyer I have experience in assisting government agencies, companies as well as individuals. In my view, every case deserves a different approach and close cooperation with the client is essential. In my work I aim to show that the law offers sufficient scope for creative solutions. I do so by offering my clients clear and structured advice, in which I try to apply theory to practice. My motto is to not just analyze a problem, but also offering a pragmatic solution.
Mijn werkwijze is erop gericht om te laten zien dat de wet voldoende ruimte biedt voor creatieve oplossingen. Dit doe ik in de vorm van een helder en gestructureerd advies, waarbij de vertaalslag naar de praktijk van belang is. Niet uitsluitend een probleem analyseren, maar een pragmatische oplossing bieden is het devies.
In my spare time I like to participate in team sports, in which cooperation as well as clear agreements are essential to achieve a good result.
Tom studied Dutch Law (specializing in Constitutional and Administrative Law) and IT Law at the University of Groningen. During his studies, Tom worked as a Privacy Officer in a large-scale research program and also worked as a privacy lawyer at a legal advisory firm where he mainly advised government and healthcare authorities on privacy legislation.