The healthcare sector is subject to rapid changes for healthcare providers and institutions as well as healthcare professionals. Health law is therefore one of the most dynamic areas of law. It deals with the rights of patients and care providers as well as the quality of care and liability. We have extensive experience in advising healthcare providers, healthcare institutions and medical specialists. We know the market and are aware of the latest European and Dutch laws and regulations.
As a patient, healthcare provider, or healthcare institution, you will regularly encounter changes in healthcare. These legal consequences are often difficult to oversee because the healthcare sector is a world in itself. Disciplinary complaints can be lodged against healthcare providers. A healthcare institution may want a specific client to leave the institution. Or you may want to start or sell a healthcare company. You may also have a conflict with your partners within the healthcare company. A supervisor stopped by and prepared a report with findings. What if the inspection threatens stricter supervision? Our approach will follow the objectives that apply to your organisation, as you may expect.
Our lawyers are familiar with the sensitive and special language required for patients and care providers. Our lawyers will proactively provide advice on the processes and authorities within your organisation. We have many years of experience in corporate law and have enormous value within healthcare institutions when it comes to tackling a legal problem from a business perspective. If all goes well, you will notice we will have made our contribution to a more efficient business and a result-oriented working method. The correct 'tone of voice' is used and, of course, legal quality is guaranteed.
I was already very curious at an early age. I kept asking adults about everything, wanted to know exactly why something happened and how things worked. I continued that curiosity in my work. I always want to find out the exact origin of an issue, and then come up with a practical solution. The beauty of justice is that there are always two sides to a story. I want to be honest with the client about the risks associated with their side of the business. Don't promise the moon. A dispute can bother and disturb a client. I therefore think it is important to be open to hearing the client's story and respond to it as quickly as possible.
Kristien studied Dutch law at the University of Groningen (Private Law) and Dutch Law (administrative law and private law) at Hanze University of applied sciences Groningen. Before entering the legal profession, she was a clerk in the civil sector of the court of Groningen. Kristien is particularly active in the areas of tenancy law, employer law, and health law.