The Netherlands has a comprehensive social security system that is based on solidarity and fraternity. The social security system in the Netherlands consists of social services and social insurances. Social insurances can be subdivided into national insurances and employee insurances.
Technically, it is compulsory for anyone employed in the Netherlands to be insured under the Dutch Employee Insurance Schemes. These are referred to as ‘werknemersverzekeringen‘ in the Netherlands. For example, based on the Sickness Benefits Act (ZW), an employer is obligated to continue paying their employee a percentage of their salary for the first 104 weeks of sickness. Employers may also be confronted with an increase in premiums that are paid to employees who are unable to work under the Return to Work (Partially or temporarily Disabled Persons) scheme WGA and the Sickness Benefits Act.
In addition to these financial risks, the employer can also appeal to various benefits under social security schemes. For example, when hiring or employing partially incapacitated employees.
Also, the Unemployment Insurance Act (WW) is an important safety net for employees in case of individual or collective dismissal by the employer. But under what circumstances can employees rely on the Unemployment Insurance Act?
Our experts can assist you with any issues relating to the field of an employee’s social insurance and income as set out in the Work and Income (Capacity for Work) Act (WIA), the Dutch Disability Insurance Act (WAO) as well as the Sickness Benefits Act (ZW) and the Unemployment Insurance Act (WW)
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