Agricultural Law

Lawyer specialized in agricultural law

Why choose a lawyer specialized in agricultural law from Yspeert advocaten?
The agricultural sector is in a state of flux, not least because laws and regulations are constantly changing. Think, for example, of the allocation of phosphate rights, or of (external offsetting in the case of) nitrogen rights. Other topics, such as the financing of your business, lease, (re)purchase and (re)lease of real estate, also remain topical and will remain so in the coming years. A lawyer specialized in agrarian law will be happy to advise you on this, so that you are always well prepared and can respond to changing legislation, legal issues, economic circumstances and uncertain market conditions.

Working method of our lawyers specialized in agricultural law
Our lawyers specialized in agricultural law work works with you to prevent disputes, but even if a dispute arises, our lawyers are there for you and, if necessary, our lawyers specialized in agricultural law will assist you in court procedures. Thanks to our up-to-date knowledge and experience, our lawyers specialized in agricultural law can provide you with sharp and practical advice and, if necessary, litigate on your behalf. We ensure that you always receive the best possible legal support, even in complex and lengthy legal proceedings, regardless of the complexity of your situation.

Our lawyers help you with:

  • entering into or terminating contracts, such as cattle feed contracts;
  • an impending expropriation;
  • preventing or resolving disputes;
  • determining what security rights can be established, (such as liens, mortgages and rights of usufruct);
  • the role and operation of pre-emptive rights;
  • the entering into and termination of lease and ground lease agreements by a lawyer agrarian law;
  • assistance by a lawyer specialized in agrarian law in the (re)purchase of real estate;
  • assistance by a lawyer specialized in agrarian law in the (re)lease of real estate;
  • your relationship with the bank or other financier, may they, for example, suddenly demand a loan or increase the interest rate?
  • permit issues, e.g. relating to construction or the environment;
  • spatial planning and zoning issues;
  • your company form, such as a partnership, general partnership or private limited company;
  • business succession or when unbundling your company;
  • divorce or death;
  • employment law issues, e.g. the use of self-employed workers;
  • neighbourhood law;
  • conducting civil and administrative law proceedings;
  • conducting arbitration proceedings.

Advice from an experienced lawyer specialized in agricultural law
Do you have questions about agricultural law or would you like to seek advice from a lawyer specialized in agricultural law? Then contact our lawyers specialized in agricultural law Jan-Gerrit Meijerink or Guus Benes


Your first point of contact:

Guus Benes

Guus studied Dutch law at the University of Groningen, with a double specialization: private law and corporate law. He has been active as a lawyer since 2013. He mainly focuses on contract law, corporate law and tenancy law. In 2020 he completed the VHA specialization course in tenancy law cum laude. Guus is a member of the Association of Tenancy Lawyers and of the Nederlandsche Tafelronde (RT55 Emmen), among others.