Human Resource Management

No other area of law is as dynamic and fast-paced as employment law. Every year, various laws and regulations are adapted, often replacing previous ones. Only a few years ago, the law regarding the dismissal law underwent a radical change by the Work and Security Act. Some of these changes were reversed by the Labour Market Balance Act 2020.

It is very likely that these changes have an immediate effect on your company and impact your business. Adequate provision of information, combined with an action plan that is tailored to your organisation, is what you need as an employer. This is what you can expect from our specialists. We believe it is important that you have a single point of contact who is well informed about the details and daily practice of your company. Our interdisciplinary approach allows us to not merely provide advice in the field of employment law; we also quickly respond to issues relating to other areas of law that your company has to deal with.

Online database

The internet provides us with a huge source of information. When searching the internet for answers, however, we cannot always rely on the validity of the information. That is why Yspeert has developed its own database in the field of employment law. Our database contains a wealth of information regarding current employment law regulations, answers to frequently asked questions and sample documents. Our clients can have access to and benefit from our database at any time.


We also offer our services to employees. Employees can turn to our specialists in the event of, for example, an impending dismissal or questions in regard to working conditions.

Issues that you may encounter

Our employment law specialists may support and advise you, among other things, on the following subjects:

  • Employment contracts and engagement contracts (including freelancers);
  • Working conditions (collective labour agreements, internal working conditions regulations);
  • Competition / relationship clauses;
  • Reorganisations;
  • Acquisitions;
  • Illness and disability;
  • (Wage) sanctions;
  • Instant dismissal / dismissal;
  • Participation (Works Councils Act);
  • Civil service law;
  • Social insurance (including WW and WIA);
  • The legal position of Directors of companies;

Lectures and courses

We provide various lectures and courses on current affairs in employment law every year. We also regularly do this on location.

Your first point of contact: